Thursday, December 07, 2006

December 7, 2006

Darlings, yesterday was such a better day. The boss was out and I was at the helm steering ye old yacht solo. Felt good. Today, she is back and responding to emails to me on which she has been copied. Why does she do that: it feels as if she is stealing my mail, which a federal offence in some jurisdictions.

But then again I thrive on her encouragement, the fear of her criticism or displeausure, and bask in her love. She did show lots of love on Nov 23, when she got me my 70% raise. It wasn't the highest bid, but how can I leave her? I cannot.

It's that crone/crony relationship. Mostly, it may be that time of the month again when I see the dark side of everyone's shadow. Yes, the past few days she has been absent, and it was a mamogrammy that she went for. I daydreamed: was there some bad news? That would be cause for great panic.

Now that she's back, I realize just how much emotional energy it takes to manage your boss - to make them see the true path (that I deserve to be promoted).

Olive is so much easier. She babbles and I babble back; her dad does it too even though he shuns baby talk at the dinner table in a more sensible frame of mind. But I caught him baa baa-ing like a black sheep to her, in response to some animal noises that she was making. It was an Animal Farm conversation at the changing table.

She gives me big hugs too, when I leave. We wave bye-bye. Bye-bye, bye-bye.

I walk out the door to the dried orange leaves and pigeon poop on the front step. There's big centipedes too in our house, now that its very cold outside. I have to wear long johns to work. I'm also wearing my glasses to air out my eyes, preparing for Lasik. I sold my car for $4500 which I will now invest in my eyes.

Happy Holidays, glummy


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