Tuesday, February 06, 2007

February 6, 2007

Last year at this time, I was at very large and waiting for Olive to arrive.

Today, I got a call from Rory, asking me, subject to Mark's final approval, to join EMSO. How exciting! This, after a terrible email last Thursday, while I was relaxing in Jamaica, that put all the laxing out of reel. It was an email from Millie, without a salutation or a best regards, that told me tersely that Ihor would be taking over. Ouch! Was I out? No, because she did mention that she thought I would enjoy "working with Ihor."

Today, I also have a meeting with her. To convince her directly of my credibility, my ability, my desirability, all in about 10 minutes. How will I do this? Well, I'm in a great spirit. I should take notes though and also think like a highly paid lawyer:

- business growth in the past few years has been fantastic, in all sorts of new directions
- I've been part of its new direction - putting in place key strategies, thoughtfully negotiated contracts, working through different types of investments (PE) and presences
- Brought my expertise of working in emerging markets, capital markets, business focused practice yet thorough legal analysis
- Last few months have been more deeply involved in running contracts, structures, closings - as Elena has taken more oversight role
- EMSO team has been terrific - feeling is mutual
- CAI legal team - sharing resources - - giving CSO (Ihor) the benefit of any EMSO registrations, PPM language; getting the benefit of 2790 structure from Tribeca.
- navigating through Citi approvals for Murik, for Hong Kong manager
- as a creative lawyer -- love transactional strategic work
- also an agile lawyer

How to go on about myself without sounding pompous (that may be unavoidable). Want to sound interesting.

Will let you know in a few mins how it went.
Wish me luck


Wow - that was strange. What I felt was Millie saying that I needed to work with other people too, which is not a problem. I appreciate the fact that in 9 mos if emso spins off, then she wants me to have a job at CAI still. Longevity, yes.

What was stranger is that she has no family, no husband or kids. Just her and her job. That is being married to the job.

We'll see how everything goes.


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